Linkschleuder KW01

Zu Beginn werde ich auch immer wieder mal Funde aus meinem Backlog dazwischenstreuen. The True Story of the Viral False Teeth That Fooled the World (2022-02-23)

Interessant: Bei Wired darf man nur einen Artikel pro Monat mit eingeschaltetem JavaScript lesen, danach muss man entweder verdammt schnell sein, oder JavaScript ausschalten und auf Bilder verzichten. Why customers don’t want chat bots (2023-05-19)

There has to be a better way. Here we are building chat bots that some customers will use to fight other chat bots from corporations. Why not – and I know this is radical – why not build technology that customers actually want, that customers can actually benefit from, that customers would actually appreciate? How a Mole Infiltrated the Highest Ranks of American Militias (2025-01-04)

I’d first heard from Williams five months earlier, when he sent me an intriguing but mysterious anonymous email. “I have been attempting to contact national media and civil rights groups for over a year and been ignored,” it read. “I’m tired of yelling into the void.” He sent it to an array of reporters. I was the only one to respond. I’ve burned a lot of time sating my curiosity about emails like that. I expected my interest to die after a quick call. Instead, I came to occupy a dizzying position as the only person to know the secret Williams had been harboring for almost two years.

Danke ProPublica.